Monday, September 8, 2008

Joshua's First Day of 4 yr old Preschool

On our way to school

Joshua and his new spiderman backpack

Joshua & Leeah walking into school together

Joshua's cubby where he will keep his coat and backpack

Joshua and his new teacher, Mrs. Denmark

I am home and missing him already!!

Dressing Up Like a King & Queen

Leeah got an adorable princess outfit as a gift over the summer. Joshua was so jealous of it when she had it on, so I made him a crown and a king's cape out of a curtain. He was so happy.

But of course, he had to put the princess outfit on, when Leeah was done with it. Such a cutie!

Peach Picking - Upstate New York - August 2008

Veteran's Park Lake - August 2008

Trip to Grandma's House - July 2008